Niko Komin, PhD, Theoretical Physicist, Science Journalist
Email: nkomin ATT snafu D0T de
Languages: DEU ENG ESP
Founder of and author at Laika und Freunde
Niko Komin studied theoretical physics in Berlin. He worked at the interfaces between physics and biology or medicine, with a strong take on computational methods.
Niko researched the seemingly random motion of water fleas, the circadian rhythm, drug absorption, and so-called phase transitions: significant changes due to small perturbations. He also developed computer models of organ regrowth and of brain energy supply.
Since 2018, Niko has been a freelance science writer and journalist. He tells stories from all different kinds of science. He creates understandable content from complex information.
Science surrounds us everywhere—all the time. Scientific research is an essential part of the modern world. Niko is convinced that the communication between science and society is crucial to the advancement of both. Knowledge is power, and transparency creates trust. With this in mind, he founded the „Laika und Freunde“ website. Although mainly in German, the blog is beginning to have some content in English.
Freelance Activities
- science blogger & science journalist (Photonics Focus, Berliner Zeitung,
- ghostwriting, editing, proofreading (RedSam Media GmbH, cerascreen)
- data visualization (A-Mark Foundation)
- since 2023: board member of the San Diego Science Writers Association (SANDSWA)
Data visualization



Academic writing

Science journalism

Copywriting, Editing & Proofreading

Academic Work
- researching brain energy metabolism, mitochondria, neurodegenerative diseases, image processing with Alexander Skupin at LCSB (Belval, Luxembourg), visiting scientist with Mark Ellisman at UCSD (San Diego, California)
- researching tumour and organ growth, blood circulation in capillaries as scientific employee with Tobias Preusser at Fraunhofer MEVIS (Bremen, Germany)
- researching phase transitions, synchronization, circadian rhythms, (quenched) noise as PhD student with Raúl Toral at IFISC/UIB & IMEDEA (Palma, Spain)
- thesis „Phase transitions induced by diversity and examples in biological systems“ was funded by a scholarship of the Government of the Balearic Islands
- researching Brownian motion, zooplankton, noise as master student (theoretical physics) with Lutz Schimansky-Geier, thesis: „Aktive Bewegung Biologischer Agenten am Beispiel der Daphnien“ (original in German, English summary slides )
Peer Reviewed Publications
- Komin, Skupin: „How to address cellular heterogeneity by distribution biology“ Current Opinion in Systems Biology, Volume 3, Pages 154-160 (2017), preprint: arXiv:2109.06691
- Komin, Moein, Ellisman, Skupin: „Multiscale Modeling Indicates That Temperature Dependent [Ca2+]i Spiking in Astrocytes Is Quantitatively Consistent with Modulated SERCA Activity“ Neural Plasticity, 2015, Article ID 683490 (Open Access)
- Komin, Murza, Hernandez-García, Toral: „Synchronization and entrainment of coupled circadian oscillators“ Interface Focus 1, 167-176 (2011), preprint: arXiv:1006.3446
- Komin, Lacasa, Toral: „Critical behavior of a Ginzburg-Landau model with additive quenched noise“ Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment P12008 (2010), preprint: arXiv:1009.4631
- Komin, Toral: „Order parameter expansion and finite-size scaling study of coherent dynamics induced by quenched noise in the active rotator model“ Physical Review E 82, 051127 (2010), preprint: arXiv:1007.4664
- Komin, Toral: „Phase transitions induced by microscopic disorder: a study based on the order parameter expansion“ Physica D 239, 1827-1833 (2010), preprint: arXiv:1003.1061
- Komin, Toral: „Drug absorption through a cell monolayer: A theoretical work on a non-linear three-compartment model“ European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 37, 106-114 (2009), preprint: arXiv:0805.3757
- Schimansky-Geier, Erdmann, Komin: „Advantages of Hopping on a Zig-zag Course“ Physica A, 351:51-59, 2005, preprint: arXiv:0410035
- Komin, Erdmann, Schimansky-Geier: „Random Walk Theory Applied to Daphnia Motion“ Fluctuation and Noise Letters, 4(1):L151-L159, 2004. preprint: Download