Niko Komin, Science Journalist

Niko Komin
Niko Komin, PhD, Theoretical Physicist, Science Journalist
Email: nkomin ATT snafu D0T de
Languages: DEU ENG ESP
Founder of and author at Laika und Freunde (German)
Water flea schematics (N. Komin Master's thesis)

Niko Komin studied theoretical physics in Berlin. He worked at the interface between physics, biology, and medicine, with a strong take on computational methods.

For his master’s thesis, Niko looked at the seemingly random motion of water fleas. His PhD thesis investigates the circadian rhythm, drug absorption mechanisms, and so-called phase transitions: big changes due to small perturbations. As a postdoctoral researcher, Niko modeled organ regrowth and the details of brain energy supply. More details and relevant links are below.

Scientific research is an important part of the modern world. Niko is convinced that the communication between science and society is key to the prosperity of both. Knowledge is power, transparency creates trust. With this in mind, he founded the website “Laika und Freunde” in 2017. Although mainly in German, the blog started to have some content in English.

freelance activities

Screenshot of scatter plot
Interactive scatter plot of known exoplanets
Line plot showing time series of El Niño/La Niña events
Time series of El Niño/La Niña events (for A-Mark Foundation)
Bar chart comparing drug overdoses
“Why Can’t the US and Mexico Halt the Drugs-to-Guns Pipeline?”
Table showing age groups and their voting behavior
Want more youth voting? We know what works.”
Dot chart comparing voter affiliation of different US states
Are Independent Voters Disenfranchised by Primary Election Rules?
Map of gun shops along the US-Mexico border.
Map of gun shops along the US-Mexico border.
Explainer: metabolic needs of human bodies.
Metabolic needs
Explainer: star brightness variation caused by a passing comet.
Light curve of a star during the transit of a comet.
Explainer: different cell types (triangular, square, hexagonal…) covering an area.
Covering of a map with cells of different forms.
Screenshots of selected publications
Screenshot of blog landing page
English science blog posts
Screenshot of blog landing page
German science blog posts
Screenshot of published article
“Can Wikipedia predict flu numbers?” (Berliner Zeitung, German)
Screenshot of published article
“When cooking with beer” (, German)
Screenshots of business clients' websites
Primetals Metals Magazine for Red Sam Media GmbH

academic work

peer reviewed publications